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All about Yellow Sand

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All about Yellow Sand Empty All about Yellow Sand

Post  Daphne and Co Sun Mar 07, 2010 3:47 am

Daphne TheSuperior Yellow Sand/Asian Dust –황사(HwangSa)

What is it?
Inhalable particles that originate from dry, desert regions of China and Mongolia.

What does it do?
In sufficient concentration, fine particles can obscure visibility, irritate soft tissues in the eyes, nose, mouth, and throat, and cause or exacerbate respiratory and cardiovascular problems.

When does it happen?
Yellow Sand events usually occur from February through June.

What can I do?
During the Yellow Sand/dust storm:
•Avoid outdoor activities, especially the elderly, young children, and persons with lung diseases (such as asthma), heart disease or diabetes; see other side of card for activity restriction recommendations
•Keep windows and doors closed
•Remove contact lenses and wear glasses
•Brush your teeth and wash your hands, face and eyes with warm water upon returning indoors
•Drink plenty of water to keep your tears flowing well
•Use air filters to keep air clear,and humidifier to increase indoor humidity level
•Wash fruits andvegetables exposed to Yellow Sand before consumption
•Wash hands carefully before handling food
•Don’t burn candles and don’t smoke indoorsAfter the Yellow Sand/dust storm has cleared:
•Air out room/house
•Wash objects exposed to dust before using them –do this carefully to keep from stirring up the dust

Check the current Yellow Sand concentration at, click on Yellow Sand, or, click on Yellow Sand.

For more information, contact Deputy Chief of Staff Force Health Protection, 18THMEDCOM at 736-3033/3025,
mobile 010-7124-9512.
Daphne and Co
Daphne and Co
Forum Owner
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Big Cheese

Forum OwnerGroup CreatorBig Cheese

Posts : 118
Birthday : 1984-10-28
Join date : 2010-02-28
Age : 39
Location : Dongducheon, South Korea

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All about Yellow Sand Empty Group Responses to Yellow Sand info (reposted)

Post  Daphne and Co Sun Mar 07, 2010 3:49 am

Christina Jensen
I've been looking into getting an air purifier. Are there any that are better than others? What would you suggest?

Christina Jensen
Would it be better to purchase one here or wait til I get over there? Do they sell them on post?

Samantha Kimble
Last summer we didn't have a really bad Yellow Dust season besides like two days. but if you just stay in doors for those days that are bad, which ur husband will be told if it is a bad day while he is at work then you shouldn't really have to get one. But if you want to get one buy it while u are in the states cuz they are probably alot cheaper.

Christina Jensen
Yeah, I thought that maybe it wasn't that bad in that area because my husband said he hadn't heard anything about it last summer. But I think I might still buy one just for allergies and whatnot.

Cassie Elliott Sublett
I agree- last summer was not bad at all. They have some air purifiers at the Korean stores that are fairly cheap. We didn't bother with one because we just kept the windows closed those days with a high alert.

Samantha Kimble
I have really bad allergies and the days that was a high alert I didn't go out at all. My husband took care of everything or I made the phone calls to postpone something for that day. I didn't get sick at all.

Christina Jensen
That's good to know. I'm trying to save money and I keep thinking of all these things I need to buy before I come over there. But if I can get away with not buying the purifier that'd be great. I think that I'm just overthinking everything and worried that if I don't get everything before I leave then we're outta luck. I gotta stop stressing!

Vicki Rushing
Don't forget about Razz You can still get stuff while your there just might not be as fast as you want
Daphne and Co
Daphne and Co
Forum Owner
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Big Cheese

Forum OwnerGroup CreatorBig Cheese

Posts : 118
Birthday : 1984-10-28
Join date : 2010-02-28
Age : 39
Location : Dongducheon, South Korea

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