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Power Outage

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Power Outage Empty Power Outage

Post  LILMaMa Mon Mar 22, 2010 1:43 am

Electrical power can go out for any number of reasons. Without electricity food in the refrigerator and freezer may spoil, and you may experience extreme temperatures. Power outage in your area may mean traffi c lights and other resources will not be working. You should consider how these circumstances will aff ect your Family and be prepared to manage without power for an extended period of time. Some emergencies commonly produce secondary eff ects. Learning about all hazards will prepare you for secondary hazards such as power outage and flooding.

How to Prepare for a Power Outage
What to Do If There Is a Power Outage
• Have fl ashlights and batteries, including a spare battery or hand-crank charger for your cell phone.
• Have a battery-operated or hand-crank radio.
• Stockpile plenty of nonperishable food and bottled water.
• Back up computer fi les regularly.
• Turn off the electrical equipment you were using when the power went out.
• Try not to open the freezer or refrigerator too much. A full freezer should keep food for 48 hours.
• Pack dairy products, meat, fi sh, eggs, refrigerated medicines, and other items that can quickly spoil in a cooler surrounded by ice to extend their usability.
Field Researcher
Field Researcher

Posts : 100
Birthday : 1989-09-16
Join date : 2010-02-28
Age : 34
Location : South Korea duh

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